Face Your Giant

“The LORD who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this [giant] Philistine!” (1 Samuel 17:37)
There is a confidence we often enjoy when life is running smoothly. During such times, we bask in past victories and easily cheer daily successes. Yet, how shall we react when an uncontrollable curve ball (aimed straight for us) desires our complete destruction?

Today, some may be confronted by a tiny unknown lump on their body. What was just something uncomfortable, is now a full on intruder. Another will deal with an unexpected breakdown in a relationship, while others face an unjust coup within their inner circle. Such towering GIANTs appear to be insurmountable. But they are NOT!

One thing about your giant is that it throws its weight around and is very persistent to taunt you. It desires to instill fear and rob your confident identity. When a 9 foot 9 inches tall enemy came against Israel, Goliath the Philistine said, ‘This day I defy the armies of Israel! Give me a man and let us fight each other’” (1 Samuel 17:10 NIV). “For forty days the Philistine came forward every morning and evening and took his stand.” (1 Samuel 17:45 NIV). Giants not only taunt, but they also stand there to intimidate. Giants love to stand there in the corner and often in the center of your mind as you analyze their strategies. Every morning and every evening, stress and tiredness abound as you ponder your giant’s next move. So what shall you do?

  1. Run NOT away from your giant. He will follow you. So face him!
  2. Negotiate NOT with accepting your giant’s voice of defeatism. Remember you are not dead but alive.
  3. Be serious with God. Truly keep asking Him and proclaiming His promises to return the control of your mind back to His protective peace. Since you can only have one thought at a time, surrender every second you are giving that giant back to the One who really cares for you.

According to Jentezen Fanklin, “giant killers see trials as training, not as trouble.” Our perspective has to change. David said, “God was with me when I fought the lionGod was with me when I fought the bear, He will rescue me from this [giant] Philistine!”. Have no reason to doubt that God will be with you again. Why would He leave you now?

Finally, David was determined. We learn that “he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd’s bag which he had; and his sling was in his hand as he drew near to the Philistine.” Why five stones? Because David was determined. It is likely David took five stones thinking, “I’m going and if I don’t get him with the first rock, and the second rock, and the third rock, then I’ll keep on. But I’m not going to quit until this giant falls.”

Friend, you must be more determined than your giant. You got to focus on the reward and believe God is going to bring you over that mountain peak. Decide right now that if it does not happen the way you expected the first time, you will pull out those back-up stones and fight until that giant falls down.


As an experienced public servant with several years of private and non-profit leadership, Andy Ramirez understands how to simplify the complexities of an organization and dramatically increase operational efficiencies. His skills include Building cohesive teams, effective Community and Social media outreach, Public speaking, Project management, Public Works, Water, Major donor development, Bi-lingual marketing, and Budget management. He is an excellent communicator with a keen sense for serving others. Andy Ramirez graduated with highest honors from CBU with a Masters in Public Administration and lives with his young family in Beaumont, CA.

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  • Well done. Definitely a great communicator, an excellent father and friend, humble servant and last but not least a very caring person. God bless you friend.

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