When was the last time someone reminded you of how special you really are? Maybe it was because you showed remarkable kindness to an unremarkable person. Perhaps your creative ability captured the awe of a boss or your eloquence emotionally engaged a massive audience. Some talents may appear more fancier than others, but never underestimate that you too have a special ability to do the extraordinary. It might be that your gift of listening and caring for an unemployed neighbor was exactly what they needed to keep on going.
Whatever your talent is, remember it is meaningless if it is not exercised. Chris Fraley once said, “use your gift before it rots”. Doing nothing can make any great gifting fade away. However, this does not have to be so. Right now (I mean right now), ask yourself, “how can I use what I am good at to benefit others?”
Some of us may feel that a once vibrant talent vanished a long time ago. But did you know, the same energy used to believe in hopelessness, is the same energy that can be re-routed towards action? A great teacher once told his apprentice, “For this reason I remind you to rekindle the gift of God that is within you” (2 Timothy 1:6). Did you get that? Your gifting simply needs a simple breeze to blow away the dust and re-ignite that which God never intended to die. Bring the warmth of your calling back to the table of life.
Be encouraged!
This was a true blessing to read. I’d like to read more by Andy Ramirez.